How to Create Business as a Game

What makes something a game?

Simply said, a game is created when something “over there” is more important than what is “over here.”  For example, in the game of basketball, “ball in hoop” is more important than “ball in hand.”  The important thing to notice is that there is nothing inherently important about “over there” – we make it up!

So the moment you determine that something “over there” is more important than what is “over here” – you’ve now created the game – get over there!

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Jeff Willmore
The Art of Quitting

By this point in life, most of us have learned (many times) the value of not quitting. This is important and critical to learn. Triumphing over discomfort, learning discipline and tenacity, and keeping your word in many forms are valuable and powerful practices to master.

I spent many years of my career dedicated to mastering this way of working and living.  I learned first-hand, that the value of quitting is equally important, especially given the forcefield of business (and life) leaves us feeling obligated to…

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Being a Creator in a Consumerist World

There is a phenomenon in the world of business and in life that you are probably being influenced by without your knowledge.  It’s called: BEING a consumer. 

So, what is a consumer?  The dictionary defines it as 1. A person who buys and uses up goods and 2. A living thing that must eat other organisms to obtain energy necessary for life.

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Jeff Willmore
Do You Have a Philosophy of Business?

When I ask the entrepreneurs and companies that I work with if they have a Philosophy of Business, I usually get blank stares.

For the most part, people in the business world are not engaging in this conversation - they are not taking the time to slow down and contemplate what their philosophy is.  Are you in the same position - working and operating without a philosophy that you have created for yourself?

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